Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Update - December 10, 2013

City Church,

We wanted to provide a brief update from the Pulpit Committee in order to let you know what we have been up to over the past several weeks. Although there isn't much to report at this time, we felt it was important to inform you of our progress since formalizing the committee in early November.

So far, we have met twice and will meet again this Saturday, our last scheduled meeting before the holidays. In January, we will begin to meet on a more regular schedule, at least three times a month. Currently, most of our time is focused on understanding the work of the Pulpit Committee as well as the process we will be going through to select and nominate a new pastor. This work is new to all of us on the committee, and we are learning as much as we can about the process. Our plan is to come back to you, the congregation, with more details about this process in January.

We ask you to please pray for as we enter into this spiritual work. Please pray specifically for (1) God's leading and guidance in this process. We will need group discernment in considering potential candidates, and it is essential that we are prayerful, spending time in the Word, and sensitive to the leadings of the Spirit; (2) protection against the work of Satan, as he would love nothing more than to cause both internal strife in the committee as well as external strife among the church body as a whole; and (3) great joy as we anticipate the work God will do and the pastor He will bring to lead us in this next season of City Church.

Thank you for standing alongside us throughout this search. Ultimately, this decision is one that we all will be making together, and we appreciate your steadfast prayers in the days ahead.

Trusting Him,

Katherine Falk (on behalf of the Pulpit Committee)